Where has the time gone!? 12 weeks already. 1/4 of a year, a season, a quarter, and things are feeling pretty good ! Things feel like they are going mostly as intended with minimal side effects and a healthy way forward!


I had a great week for weight loss! 2.9 lbs. When I see a number that big, I typically brace myself feeling as if the next week will be lower (as that is how averages work), but things have felt pretty steady. I do know that there will be a point of diminishing returns, as that is just how our body works, and at that time I will have to stop saying “I need to be more active” and actually enter into that space in a meaningful way to create maintenance. But, I am still giving myself some grace as I lose weight and manage life!

My goal for this week was to be over 40 lbs. loss since I was so close last week. I am at 42.3 lbs! That feels pretty good. My goal for next week since I am at 231 lbs. is to just be under 230, which will be the first time I have seen 220’s in quite some time!

Overall, I’m feeling pretty good.


I had mentioned I was experiencing some legitimate nausea when I started 1.0mg, and that was true, but the last week felt pretty good. I had a few times I felt a little off, but not like week 1 where it was several days. I feel like the pressure/gas is a real thing that makes that feeling even worse, so maybe finding something to relieve that pressure will be helpful. It’s never debilitating, but it’s noticeable. I have put in my order for 1.7mg, so I will be interested in how the next 2 months go on my way to the maintenance dose! I feel like the medication has worked as intended for me – someone without many other health issues just looking to lose weight. My goal is to continue using Wegovy for a while then I will assess with my doctor about either staying on at a regulated dose, lower dose, or weening. I get nervous at the thought of being on it long-term, but I also know and recognize the ways in which it has helped me and changed how I feel in relation to food. For now, I will just take it as intended and after a few months on the regulated dose re-evaluate!

Here’s this weeks video!