It’s been one week since UB has started (students moved in yesterday though) , and this has been a tad difficult to keep up with my health. The only physical activity (aside from chasing around things in the dormitory) is fitness skate last Tuesday. I haven’t eaten particularly well – mostly pizza, and other odd terrible dietary options. Today, I started eating in the commons, so I am able to eat wraps and the such. I have felt really bad about the lack of activity. I haven’t really gained any weight (same fluctuation range), which is nice, but I feel burdened and guilty about it.

With that said, I do have a plan. Tonight is the first night where I am not working a 17 hour day – so the plan is to go for a run! I am excited about being back outside. I have worked over 100 hours in the last week, and have been exhausted. My goal is to start going to the gym after work starting on Thursday. I am also going white water rafting this weekend, which will be a nice outing of activity. Having 1 off week in the last year is not bad in the grand scheme of things, but mentally has been very defeating for me. I am hoping that the balance of summer goes well. The goal is Tuesday is fitness skate. I will have a running day, and 2 gym days of strength training and other cardio.

Otherwise, there have been a lot of highs – I had to buy some new shirts (as a lot of others were no longer fitting). They were all mediums. I can’t even remember a time in my life when I wore a medium shirt (maybe when I was 10). Our summer program shirts also came in, which I ordered a medium. It fits, but I tried on a small, and though a bit snug, also fits – so I got a small! A SMALL!!! That feels CRAZY to me. Although, there are some skin and fat pockets around me on my body, when I look in the mirror, I really feel good about the progress i’ve made in the last 6 months.

Overall, things are going well, hopefully this last week is just a fluke and the plan for summer evens out. My next big goal is to be at 185 on my birthday which is July 19th, I think I can do it (was at 188.8 this morning). My end of summer goal is 175, which will put me at a healthy weight. I feel like I am really at the next phase of this weight loss journey, I have lost a significant amount of weight, and it feels like this last 20 will be the hardest, but it will feel the best once it is gone and I feel like I have completed one of my biggest longterm goals. The biggest goal for post-summer is to really have a flat stomach, my skin has created quite a pocket of flab that I would like to tone. I stopped doing the 30 day shred, but need to start the toning process!