Happy Holidays!

It’s almost 2024 and this year has given me a renewed sense of self in a lot of ways. The last few years have been difficult when it comes to fitness/health/weight. Not that I was resigned to being overweight again, but in a lot of ways I have felt sort of static in my motivation and ability to see myself being able to lose weight again. When I lost weight a decade ago, it became my whole world, and I knew I couldn’t dedicate the time and space to it at this point in my life. Of course, we can always make better food choices, find spaces to be active, and make healthier choices, but it just wasn’t clicking for me; and so my weight rose.

Then about the same time a friend told me she was on Wegovy, I started hearing about Ozempic and semaglutide through YouTube from folks like Obese to Beast and Dr. Mike. The reviews weren’t overly positive and were positioned more in the fad/trend version of the medication. Of course Ozempic has been prescribed for those with Type II diabetes, but with celebrity stories coming out (and a lot of them not being significantly overweight), it was hard to cut through the headlines. But, I decided to do my own research and after about a month of watching videos, reading stories, and looking into the medication, I decided that it might be right for me.

It’s been quite a journey since I started in July — I feel like my side effects have been minimal (some constipation and nausea/vomiting from time to time). I feel like it does what it is supposed to, but I can certainly see and question how I might move forward with the medication. I know that the first 3-4 days, I can feel it working and doing it’s thing, but I know that come Wed/Thurs (when I take my shot), that I am eating more.

Of course, this is a tool and I need to work more on the food choices and the health and lifestyle changes as well. I will admit, that the last 5 months, I haven’t jumped into it much at all, as life has felt pretty busy.

With the new year approaching, and a new walking treadmill in my office, I am going to start working up to some activity. I have been thinking about getting a personal trainer for the next 6 months to help me get through winter and back to moving!

So, over the last 6 months since May 30th and starting Wegovy in mid-July, I have lost a total of 62.7 lbs! I’d say that is pretty great. My weigh-in this morning was 210.6 – my ultimate goal is 175. I’ve been to 165 and averaged around 180, and 175 feels like a good midground to have some wiggle room. I know I need to start the physical piece if I want to get there, so that’s what the next step is!

Thanks to anyone who has been reading along and checking in with me! I hope everyone has a happy new year!

7/18 ** Started Wegovy257.9
8/17 – M1 Update248.8
9/19 – M2 Update240.7
12/14 – Sick / No Weigh in