WOD: Partner WOD
6-12-13 Partner WOD SKILL: Hang Power Clean WOD: 12 minute AMRAP Partner 1: Man of Fire Burpees Across Court 3…
6-12-13 Partner WOD SKILL: Hang Power Clean WOD: 12 minute AMRAP Partner 1: Man of Fire Burpees Across Court 3…
WOD: 6/5/2013 5 Rounds for Time 2 laps running 20 pushups 25 goblet squat 20 alternating DB snatches Time: 26:15…
Today, during my individual weight training (after a CF workout this morning, nonetheless), my trainer, Tony, had me to a…
6-3-13 “Hold Your Stones” 50-40-30-20-10 Wall Balls Overhead Medecine Ball Lunges **Start each round with 3/ Shuttle Springs with ball…
1/18/13 “Baseline” 5x RX / 3x Regular 2 Laps 10 Burpees 20 Pushups 30 Squats Time : 21:32 Rx
January 16 WOD “Better Than Burpees” 50-35-20-5 Overhead Lunge (25lbs) Pushups Situps 75 jumping jacks in between sets Time : 18:43…
January 14 WOD : Hellcome Back (First CF of the semester) TABATA Air Squats Burpees V-Ups Grasshoppers Final Score : 7
It is December 30th, and tomorrow the eve of a new year. You probably gathered from my post in November…
This looks like an absolutely amazing opportunity and so much fun. This is now a goal of mine!
So, today was our last CrossFit class for the semester, which is sad. I know I will keep things going…
Team WOD : 100 Squats 60 KBS 75 Squats 50 KBS 50 Squats 40 KBS Team Sweatbox (as I wore an…
WOD 12/3 400 m run 50 body squats Cash out : 50 wall balls
23:52 // WOD : “COE” , 10 Thrusters (30 lbs.) , 10 HRPU
7 rounds Every 3 minutes 320m Run 12 Burpees RX + 25lb. weight while running
WOD : “Kelly” 400m Run 30 Box Jumps (20”) 30 Wall Balls (12 lbs) 29:30 RX
Today’s WOD : “Can’t Stop, Won’t Stop” , 100 KBS, 50 HRPU, 100 Sit-ups, 5 burpee penalty for each time you…
WOD 10/23/12 AMRAP 20 Burpees 15 Sit-ups 10 Ninja Jumps 5 Pull-ups My Results :: 5 rounds, 15 sit-ups ::
Today’s WOD was one of the hardest I have done thus far. Comprable to Tom and Jerry, but still up…
This is what gym class should look like! (Source: http://www.youtube.com/)
WOD, “Helen” 10:26 (Replaced pull-ups with Kettlebell Thrusters)