I should really be working on my annotated bibliography right now – as that is honestly more important than my sudden and random reinterest in blogging! I will get it done either way. I felt the urge to blog as it is something I said that I should keep up on and despite the other 1,000 things I have going on, feel it is at least important to get the words out there, even if no one reads them. Let’s make a list because that seems to be the best way to do anything. 

1. Safe Campus Project – I started my internship here last week. I think it is going to be pretty fun although this first project (assessing equipment) has been a tad tedious – mostly because I have to work with PCs, but I am working for something I care and believe in, so that alone is worth a lot!

2. My Business – Most people know by now I officially started my own business – Waving Hand (www.wavinghand.com) . Over winter break I updated my whole portfolio including a new webpage and new photography portfolio (as well as put my graduate works up). Check it out, also like me on facebook.

3. Bangor Roller Derby – I have loved derby since the dawn of… well the mid-90s. My mother and I used to watch it on TNT and I absolutely loved it. Then it was suddenly taken off the air and dissipated into the ethos. Then a few years ago, Whip It was released and reignited my love for derby. I had been wanting to go down to Portland for quite some time because they have a league down there, but never got to it. Looks like sometimes sitting around does pay off because Bangor now has a league! I am one of the photographers and all around volunteer. The girls are awesome, I have already made some good friends and get to be part of the Bangor origin team 🙂 check out my photography portfolio for it : www.derby.wavinghand.com

4. My Health – It seems bizzarre that this is even on my checklist as it has never been something I have paid a lot of attention to. I did Big Bears to Little Bears (a program like Biggest Loser) at the local rec center on campus a few years ago and found results (losing 12 lbs), then let it fizzle to the wayside. 1 year ago (from a couple days from now) I joined up again and tonight I do my 1 year weigh in, but so far I have lost 25 lbs and I fit into sizes I haven’t in 7 years and I generally feel good about where I am. I still have weight to lose, but I actually see the result and it feels amazing. Wish me luck on the 1 mile tonight.

5. Speaking of Miles – Along with my health, my activity has been increasing as time goes on. I have been doing 10ks on the elliptical at the gym to help train for the 5k I am going to do in April! The ADEP program on campus puts on a Healthy High 5k (on 4/20) and I am going to go for it! In all the muck of working out, I have also found something to coalesce my current activity with a dream come true. It is called Run For Your Lives (www.runforyourlives.com) and it is a zombie obstacle course and 5k. Running through the forest with zombies chasing me sounds amazing. That is May 5th in Boston. I am going to register soon, once I have a solid group to go with! Starting this week I will be going to the gym 5 x’s a week!

  • 2 x Sessions for Big Bear Little Bear with my trainer
  • 1 x Training session for 5k (my BBLB trainer is training me)
  • 1 x Zumba , just because I love it
  • 1 x Racquetball – just learned how to play with a classmate and love it!

6. School – Classes just started up again and are going pretty good. One is my internship at Safe Campus, one is is Statistics, which makes me want to throw myself in front of a steam roller, and the other is Impact of College (annotated bibliography I am ignoring). I love the people in my program and met with my advisor today about joining the Hazing Collaborative to work on social media and getting them up and running with a new website. This probably will not happen until the Fall, but sounds like a lot of fun. 2 weekends from now I will be co-teaching a workshop on social media in higher education, which will be a brand new and interesting experience. I have to meet with my colleagues to develop the workshop soon! haha.

7. Upward Bound – As always Upward Bound is going well. I love the students I work with and feel very fulfilled by working with students and working with the people I do. 

8. Music – life wouldn’t be complete without it! Some highlights :

  • He is We
  • SafetySuit (obsesssssed with their album These Times right now)
  • The Used (new single, album coming soon!)
  • Jason Reeves
  • LIGHTS (new album, Siberia)
  • Rihanna (new album)
  • Icon for Hire
  • and STILL Christina Perri
  • There is a lot more, but i’ll save you from reading anymore

Well, that seems like a good update for now, I will try to blog more often ! I feel more motivated to do stuff than ever!