WOD: “Can’t Stop, Won’t Stop”
Today’s WOD : “Can’t Stop, Won’t Stop” , 100 KBS, 50 HRPU, 100 Sit-ups, 5 burpee penalty for each time you…
Today’s WOD : “Can’t Stop, Won’t Stop” , 100 KBS, 50 HRPU, 100 Sit-ups, 5 burpee penalty for each time you…
I earned 1774 points for my workout on Fitocracy! General CrossFit +682 pts 1:00:00 || Intense! (+682 pts) Boot Camp…
Halloween just ended, and it felt like I was in a different dimension. Okay, so Halloween is not until Wednesday,…
I’ve talked a lot in my blogs about the mental and physical hurdles and successes of my journey through motivation,…
You ever have that feeling that in your mind that you want to keep going and going and going, and…
I earned 1620 points for my workout on Fitocracy! General CrossFit +720 pts 1:00:00 || The Gods Hate Me! (+720…
WOD 10/23/12 AMRAP 20 Burpees 15 Sit-ups 10 Ninja Jumps 5 Pull-ups My Results :: 5 rounds, 15 sit-ups ::
I probably think too much, I know I overthink too much, but maybe that is what Tumblr is all about….
I earned 720 points for my workout on Fitocracy! General CrossFit +720 pts 1:00:00 || The Gods Hate Me! (+720…
Is Modern Wheat Unhealthy?
The last week has been a less than ideal eating week for me. It started on Wednesday and ends today….
I earned 1143 points for my workout on Fitocracy! General CrossFit +720 pts 1:00:00 || The Gods Hate Me! (+720…
If you read my posts (THANK YOU!), you have probably noticed that I end them with a little saying “keep…
Today’s WOD was one of the hardest I have done thus far. Comprable to Tom and Jerry, but still up…
I earned 682 points for my workout on Fitocracy! Boot Camp +682 pts 1:15:00 || Intense! (+682 pts) Think you…
This is what gym class should look like! (Source: http://www.youtube.com/)
I earned 601 points for my workout on Fitocracy! Body Weight Squat +32 pts 50 reps (+32 pts) Pull-Up +23…
When I first set out on this journey of weight loss, I was not sure of the complete goal I…
WOD, “Helen” 10:26 (Replaced pull-ups with Kettlebell Thrusters)