My weight loss journey.

Tag: crossfit

Okay, so you can’t transform into a lion at will, but within human-reason, nothing is impossible. Next week is my…

It has been awhile, this I know. Things have been rather hectic and busy, and as you may know from…

So, I am actually writing this a few days early, but I figure it will take a bit of time…

So, this was our first week back to CrossFit at the Recreation Center on campus (from winter break), and the…

It is December 30th, and tomorrow the eve of a new year. You probably gathered from my post in November…

So, today was our last CrossFit class for the semester, which is sad. I know I will keep things going…

Happiness, pain, strife, and glory are all easily accessible when changing your life. Work is the key essence of any…

I was 8 years old and my brother had his girlfriend over for company. We were having chicken, mashed potatoes…

Almost 2 years ago, you set across on a journey. A journey, unaware of the challenges you would face and…

Can’t is one of those words that the fitness world hates. You see it all the time on those motivational…

[repost from] Warning : a fair amount of cursing ensues, but really amplifies the points. I will probably comment on this…

Halloween just ended, and it felt like I was in a different dimension. Okay, so Halloween is not until Wednesday,…