My weight loss journey.

Tag: running

Okay, so you can’t transform into a lion at will, but within human-reason, nothing is impossible. Next week is my…

It has been awhile, this I know. Things have been rather hectic and busy, and as you may know from…

It is December 30th, and tomorrow the eve of a new year. You probably gathered from my post in November…

There are few words and ways to describe how I feel today. I ran my first half-marathon today! The one…

Over the last week, a lot has happened in the world of fitness and health for me, and I wanted…

Be sure to read that in the melody of the song “1,000 Miles.” by the Pretenders I had quite an…

Each step of a journey has it’s high and low points, the places that feel overwhelming and victorious. I have…

Despite this being a very lofty goal, this week I want to run a 5k-a-day for the next week. I…

I use the term BEASTED because that is what a friend posted on my Fitocracy per my goal in finishing…

I just signed up for my first 10k ! I pre-registered, so I have to go. All of the races i’ve…

6 months ago if you had asked me if I would be able to run a complete mile without stopping,…

The Race So, today was race #3. Out of the 3 I have done, this one was probably the most…