WOD: “Hold Your Stones”
6-3-13 “Hold Your Stones” 50-40-30-20-10 Wall Balls Overhead Medecine Ball Lunges **Start each round with 3/ Shuttle Springs with ball…
6-3-13 “Hold Your Stones” 50-40-30-20-10 Wall Balls Overhead Medecine Ball Lunges **Start each round with 3/ Shuttle Springs with ball…
[repost from http://crossfitlisbeth.com/2012/10/06/it-should-be-hard/] Warning : a fair amount of cursing ensues, but really amplifies the points. I will probably comment on this…
Today’s WOD : “Can’t Stop, Won’t Stop” , 100 KBS, 50 HRPU, 100 Sit-ups, 5 burpee penalty for each time you…
WOD : “Tom and Jerry” 10/15/12
WOD – 10/1/12
Insanity Day 15 – Fit Test DAY 1 VS. DAY 15. Switch Kicks – 128 —> 154 Power Jacks –…