
When I first started Tumblr, it started out as a random amalgolation of random thoughts, photos, and the life around me, then it become a digest for analyzing lyrics and music that I enjoy, then it became my fitblr. Well, As you know, I do love a good playlist to keep me going through my workouts, so I want to bring back a little bit of the musical aspect into the mix. I made a post about a playlist awhile back, and want to do this on a more frequent basis. Music inspires me and keeps me going on a daily basis, so we should all be sharing our playlists and new artists!

I recently found The Classic Crime – as their new album was released on Spotify, and a lot of their songs are truly awesome. My favorite is probably Glass Houses, but I am posting You and Me Both (lyrics below).

I am not going to verse by verse analyze like I used to, but generally, I think about myself a year ago, and as I started to change, I can see this song fitting in with a me versus me song. Needing a new story being the emphasis of the song and the obvious notion that without certain changes, slow death occurs. I think the line that connects the most is, “I need a tragedy to wake me” – sometimes we need that wakeup call in our lives to get our lives back on track, or on track in the first place. Tragedy is obviously a dramatic word, but I feel like a year and a half ago, I woke up from a long sleep, which is tragic in one sense.

The obvious verse of conquer – “I think I need a new story, one where I take the world” – I think i’ve done that in response to “the one i’m in is boring, and it’s killing you and me both” The song is pretty great musically, but also check out Glass Houses and One Man Army! (actually the whole album)

The Classic Crime – You and Me Both

The guardrail is tempting me
Standing like a sentry to the left of me
It’s guarding adventure that certain’s to be 
life threatening, life threatening

I need a tragedy to wake me
from perpetual dreaming
the proverbial “pinch me”
I’m so sick of sleeping
I’m so sick of sleeping

And you wonder why my eyes don’t leave my phone
(Oh whoa oh oh)
It’s no wonder that you feel like you’re alone, alone
I think I need a new story
One where I take on the world
The one I’m living is boring
It’s killing you and me both

The car crash in front of me
Pulls me back from deep and desperate fantasy
Snaps me wide awake to see the horrible scene
What’s happening?
What’s happening?

Is this the tragedy I asked for?
Is this blood on my hands a consequence of my own war?
I’m so sick of sleeping
I’m so sick of needing more

And you wonder why my eyes don’t leave my phone
(Oh whoa oh oh)
It’s no wonder that you feel like you’re alone, alone
I think I need a new story
One where I take on the world
The one I’m living is boring
It’s killing you and me both

And you watch every time
As I give myself to death and neglect life
And I blindly desert the plot line you deserve

And you wonder why my eyes don’t leave my phone
(Oh whoa oh oh oh)
It’s no wonder that you feel like you’re alone, alone
I think I need a new story
One where I take on the world
The one I’m living is boring
It’s killing you and me both
It’s killing you and me both